easy level commentary

Question: "What does cpu mean?",
Example 1: "Central Processing Unit",
Example 2: "intel core i series", // Intel's cpu product name
Example 3: "amd ryzen", // cpu's product name
Example 4: "qualcomm snapdragon", // Qualcomm's cpu Answer: 1

"What happens if you don't have a motherboard on your computer?",
Example 1: "The computer explodes",
Example 2: "It can be operated only with cpu, RAM and graphics card without the main board", Example 3: "The computer will not be assembled.",
Example 4: "Allows the game to run fast enough." Answer: 3

"What is the largest storage space?",
Example 1: "ssd 128gb", // 128gb
Example 2: "hdd 1tb", // 1024gb
Example 3: "emmc 64gb", // 64gb
Example 4: "hdd 10tb", // 10240gb Answer: 4

"What is the correct behavior to use a computer?",
Example 1: "Throw the driver at the computer."
Example 2: "Download the mining program and give your computer a passion." // Shorten life.
Example 3: "Use programs and games appropriate to your computer's specifications.",
Example 4: "Put your finger on the cpu fan.", // Both the finger and the cpu fan hurt. Answer: 3

"What programs should I use on my computer?",
Example 1: "Illegal copying program", // Do not use
Example 2: "Genuine Program",
Example 3: "Windows Crack Key", // Virus may be present and illegal
Example 4: "Untrusted program downloaded from the Internet", // There may be a virus Answer: 2

"What is not a computer that outputs sound?",
Example 1: "Mouse", // Input device
Example 2: "Headset",
Example 3: "Speaker",
Example 4: "Earphone", Answer: 1

"Choose the fastest internet speed in the view",
Example 1: "100mb / s", // bit/byte/kb/mb/gb/tb/pb/eb/zb/yb
Example 2: "1gb / s", // bit/byte/kb/mb/gb/tb/pb/eb/zb/yb
Example 3: "1000bit / s", // bit/byte/kb/mb/gb/tb/pb/eb/zb/yb
Example 4:" 800kb / s ", // bit/byte/kb/mb/gb/tb/pb/eb/zb/yb answer: 2

"What causes your computer to become infected with a virus?",
Example 1: "The virus automatically spreads when a window is installed, so the virus is unconditional." // Nonsense
Example 2: "Downloading an illegal program",
Example 3: "Take the keyboard and cuddle it", //
Example 4: "Change the monitor", // nonsense Answer: 2

Question: "Choose the fastest storage device",
Example 1: "emmc", // very slow
Example 2: "hdd", // depends on rotation speed
Example 3: "sd card", // slow
Example 4: "nvme ssd", Answer: 4

"What is not the os of the computer?",
Example 1: "linux", // The computer operating system created by Linus Torvalr
Example 2: "window", // Microsoft
Example 3: "mac os", // used for my Mac and MacBook Example 4: "galaxy", not // os Answer: 4
